

Last Wednesday, February 11th, we were given some culture talks by a very nice and entertaining man called Sam (sent by Burlington Publisher). They were three sessions for three levels:
  • 1.DBH - British culture
  • 3.DBH - British culture
  • 4.DBH - Talk on literature: Dracula

Here you can read some reviews from our students.

"Yesterday we saw the culture talk about Dracula. Sam, the person who spoke to us, was very funny and he did the hour entertaining. I liked the talk a lot and I want to repeat another day."
Uxue Otegi (4B)

"Yesterday, 11th February, we saw a show about Dracula. The man who gave the talk was Sam, and he was very funny with the public. I think that it was very interesting and I learned a lot. I would like to see  him again."
Irune Elgezabal (4A)

"Last Wednesday we had a talk given by Sam. He spoke to us about 'Dracula'. It was very funny and interesting. I had a very good time with my class laughing because of Sam's jokes."
Elda Ugarte (4C)

"Yesterday at school we saw a culture talk in the Big Hall. The person that came to speak was Sam. First he spoke about funny things and then about Dracula's history. Sometimes he made questions and when some of us said the correct answer he gave us a pen or a bookmark.
This activity was very funny; yesterday I had a very good time and I would like Sam to come to Solokoetxe again one day."
Maialen Rodriguez (4B)

"Yesterday we had a talk in the big hall. The talk was interesting. It was about Dracula, and we could learn a lot from it. What is more, it was funny because the man who gave the talk made some jokes. I think it was interesting because we learnt about Dracula and we had fun with the jokes and the questions he made."
Hodei Abaroa (4A)

"On Wednesday  Sam came to speak about Dracula. He came because we are going to read that book in English. I liked it very much, because he was very funny. And the presentation he used was very good too. He spoke very clearly, so I understood everything."
Irati Díez (4C)




Gaur goizean, Solokoetxeko igogailutik irtetean, Alde Zaharrera begira geratu gara. Eguzkiak jotzen duenean, teilatu gorrien artetik Santiagoko dorrea zerurantz gailentzen ikustea polita da, dudarik gabe. Baina gaur ere ikuspegi ezin ederragoa aurkitu dugu: Santiagoko dorrea teilatu zurien gainetik. Elurra ez da ohikoa Bilbon. Horregatik gure mobila hartuta argazkiak egiten hasi gara denok, lagunei bidaltzeko, noski.

Gaur, Cataniako Agate Santuaren egunaren bezperan, Euskal Herriko ohiturari jarraituz, lehen mailako ikasleak eta irakasleak azken saioan kantatzera irtengo ginela gogoratu dut une hartan.

Ordu bat eta erdietan, makilak hartu, zapiak jantzi eta kalera irten gara. Zabalbidetik Erriberako Merkatura abiatu gara. Gure lehenengo kanta barruan egin dugu. Amaitu baino lehen, beste koro bat genuen zain tokia hartzeko. Handik Dendarikaletik Santiago plazara joan gara. Kantatzen genuen bitartean, elurra ari zuen. Hurrengo geldiunea Plaza Berrian egingo genuen. Hemen, euria ari zuenez, arkupeetan abestu dugu. Eta gero, pelikula famatu hartan bezala, Unamuno plazan euripean kantatu dugu. Lehen merkatuan ikasle baten ama agurtu dugu; orain plaza honetan ikastetxeko irakasle bat izan da gu agurtu gaituena.

Eskaileratik igo, eta patioan azken kanta egin ondoren, makilak datorren urterako gordez, ekitaldiari amaiera eman diogu. Gaurko eguna ez dugu inoiz ahaztuko, ez baita ohikoa Bilbon Santa Ageda elurpean kantatzea.







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